service design

Case: HSTV

2017-01-26T09:07:21+02:00March 10th, 2014|Categories: Cases|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Helsingin Sanomat, the largest subscription newspaper in the Nordic countries, wanted to step up their game in the fast growing online video market. To ensure that the tight deadline of the project was met and collaboration with various people from the client organisation was seamless, we worked on-site at Helsingin Sanomat headquarters. Our first task was to gather relevant market information, business data and benchmarks to help the client team quickly grasp the online video space and how various media companies have organized their digital video businesses. Working closely with the business owner and in-house design team, we helped set business goals to function as a basis for the service concept. Conceptual work and prototypes were done side-by-side to give [...]


2017-01-26T09:07:21+02:00February 6th, 2014|Categories: Cases, Service Design|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Media company ESA wanted to fully redesign their flagship online service They gave us a straightforward task: increase our digital business. Our role was to help analyze where current value of the service was, how to find new growth opportunities and deliver a newly designed service that would enable reaching the new goals. After analysing the old service, revenue streams and customer groups, we helped the client team define the new service concept from three main perspectives: readers, advertising customers, content and services. Our work also included defining medium term goals and key performance indicators that are used to evaluate success and make decisions on how to further develop the service. The concept and design work was done using [...]

Case: OneMind Dogs

2017-01-26T09:07:21+02:00January 27th, 2014|Categories: Cases, Service Design|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

OneMind Dogs is a community for agility lovers. The invention of the OneMind Dogs training methodology is a heartwarming story including a determined trainer and a deaf dog. Read it here. We were asked to help set up the online business and design a service which would function as the hub of a worldwide community for agility lovers. Our first task was to help the client clarify their competitive advantages and thus where they could deliver unmatched customer value. Scenarios and calculations for various revenue models were explored to determine what would be the best course of action in developing the service and other online channels. The solid roadmap made it easy to prioritize the content and functionalities of the [...]

Nuorten kilpaluistelua livenä verkosta

2016-06-02T21:08:06+02:00March 8th, 2013|Categories: Fieldnotes|Tags: , , , , |

Live-tapahtumien "TV-lähetysjuna" kulkee verkossa täydellä tohinalla ja on kulkenut jo ties kuinka kauan. Aika harva kiinnittää siihen huomiota ja oikeastaan kukaan ei tajua mitä tästä vielä seuraa! Oletko eri mieltä? Voin kirkkain silmin todeta, että oikeasti merkityksellinen live-lähetys täytyy koeta. Kokemuksen jälkeen et enää kyseenalaista pienimmänkään live-lähetyksen merkitystä vaan suorastaan vaadit sen olemassa oloa. 9-11 -vuotiaiden International competition Haabersti CUP 2013 -taitoluistelukisat livenä verkossa Olen tehnyt useita isoja live-tv:n ja webin yhdistäviä palveluita työurani aikana ja ollut äärimmäisen innostunut tehdessäni jotain uutta koko kansaa palvelevaa ja koskettavaa materiaalia. Käyttäjiä näillä palveluilla on ollut miljoonia. Tämän vuoksi 7.3.2013 oli jossain määrin järisyttävä päivämäärä. Tänä kyseisenä päivänä 73 ihmistä ja minä katsoimme livenä webistä, kuinka mm. Helsingin Taitoluisteluklubin nuoret luistelijatytöt suoriutuivat ohjelmastaan naapurimaassa [...]

Case: Week of Wicked Problems

2017-01-26T09:07:23+02:00March 7th, 2013|Categories: Cases, Service Design|Tags: , , , , , |

Have you ever just stepped outside the office and bribed a couple of strangers to come and test your service concept and prototype? No? Well, that is exactly what happened when five organizations, over fifty participants, some wicked problems and a few service designers were brought together during the Week Of Wicked Problems. Each participating organization brought their own wicked problem to the camp. In return, they were given a team of volunteers ranging from university professors to students and a expert service designer to help guide the team. The problems that the organizations brought to the camp ranged from measuring a patients hospital experience to services for teenagers to the future of a city and its inhabitants. Over four [...]

Not a minute to spare

2017-01-26T09:07:24+02:00September 28th, 2010|Categories: Fieldnotes, Service Design|Tags: , |

Everyone of us is extraordinarily busy. At work: meetings, emails, phone calls and more meetings. At home: food, hobbies, housework, perhaps a little bit of travel. Basically, every minute of our day is fully booked. My first thoughts every time someone pitches a new service concept or our team starts to work on a client project: Where will people find the time for this? If it's good enough then what is it going to replace?

The five essential ingredients of good service design

2017-01-26T09:07:24+02:00September 6th, 2010|Categories: Fieldnotes, Service Design|Tags: , , |

The one and only marketing and advertising magazine (M&M 3.9.2010) ran an article about the rise of service design in Finland and even hailed the discipline as a potential future star in the export of professional services from Finland. The grand old man of service design and Palmu Inc. colleague Mikko Jäppinen was interviewed in the article and his list of the five essential tips for better service design are as follows: 1. Familiarize yourself with everyday life A service designer must be familiar with the normal, standard, run-of-the-mill everyday life of both the company and it's customers. Conduct research, do interviews, then research and do some more interviews. 2. Know the customer personas The research will have uncovered several [...]

Case: Big Brother 2010

2017-01-26T09:07:25+02:00August 30th, 2010|Categories: Cases, Highlights|Tags: , , , , |

Big Brother 2010 is the sixth season of the popular reality show in Finland. Our team was asked to help in planning the concept and designing the service for digital channels. We worked in close collaboration with the content, sales, technical, production, web-tv and interactive-tv teams during planning and design to make sure that all business goals and requirements would be met and at the same time fans of the show would be given an online experience worthy of their commitment. At the core of the online experience is Big Brother 24/7: six simultaneous live streams and interaction with other fans for those who don't want to miss any of the action. In addition to the live experience, community features [...]

Case: front page redesign

2017-01-26T09:07:25+02:00August 28th, 2010|Categories: Cases, Service Design|Tags: , , , |, one of the biggest media-operated websites in Finland, wanted to redesign their most important asset: the front page. The goal was to simultaneously create a better user experience (better flow, more visits and visitors) and bring in more revenue with new business opportunities. Our team was asked to help with the overall concept and deliver a brief for Idean, who would be responsible for the user interface design and testing. As always, we analyzed user needs, business requirements and technological possibilities to define the opportunities available to Web analytics, customer surveys, stakeholder interviews and business area insight led us to present the executive team with several concept scenarios, of which one was chosen as a basis for [...]

Case: MTV3 Katsomo – Formula 1

2017-01-26T09:07:25+02:00August 27th, 2010|Categories: Cases, Highlights, Service Design|Tags: , , , , |

Räikkönen,Häkkinen, Kovalainen, Rosberg... No wonder MTV3, the leading commercial tv-station in Finland, has held on to their exclusive rights to broadcast Formula 1 for nearly two decades. After renewing the contract in 2010, MTV3 wanted to build on the previous commercial success and offer fans the "best way to enjoy Formula 1 in the world". As part of the Gyllene Skor team, Passi and Ripatti worked with MTV3 to create an experience that would attract both early adopters that have already abandoned traditional TV for online video services and for the larger audience that still enjoys watching Formula 1 on their big screens in the comfort of their own living room. We knew that hard-core Formula 1 fans were very [...]