Viikko 9: Mestarillisuutta peliin

2017-01-26T09:07:22+02:00April 29th, 2013|Categories: Weeknotes|Tags: , , |

Kiire, lööpit, kvartaalitalous, tulospaineet ja multitasking... Näiltä herroilta kannattaa mielestäni ottaa vähän enemmänkin oppia. Minkälaisia kädentaitoja tarvitaan palvelusepän ammatissa? Blacksmith Jesse Sipola talks of his profession and gives insight to the craft of blacksmithing. Sipola is known for developing the "pneumatic forging technique" (also referred as "hand-held pneumatic forging") which he uses to forge expressional figures. Jesse Sipola works at Oshipala Airhammer Studios located close to Helsinki, Finland. More on Oshipala Documentary was first presented on as a part of the "Parallel Ads" series. Production: Eero Yli-Vakkuri, Alexandre Riviello. Subtitles: Tariq Al-Sadoon. This is a short documentary movie that shows the whole process of how John Neeman Tools are being hand crafted. "It is a tragedy of the [...]