Helsingin Sanomat, the largest subscription newspaper in the Nordic countries, wanted to step up their game in the fast growing online video market. To ensure that the tight deadline of the project was met and collaboration with various people from the client organisation was seamless, we worked on-site at Helsingin Sanomat headquarters.
Our first task was to gather relevant market information, business data and benchmarks to help the client team quickly grasp the online video space and how various media companies have organized their digital video businesses.
Working closely with the business owner and in-house design team, we helped set business goals to function as a basis for the service concept. Conceptual work and prototypes were done side-by-side to give everyone working on the project a clear picture of what different options would mean for the end result.
Prototypes were also used in customer testing to find out how people that were used to “text and images” would respond to a new experience focused on video content. We also explored what kind of content they thought HSTV should provide.
In addition to the service concept and design work, we helped define key performance indicators so that the success of the service can be evaluated on a constant basis.
The first version of HSTV was launched in January 2014, with more content and device roll-outs following in the next few months.