Have you ever just stepped outside the office and bribed a couple of strangers to come and test your service concept and prototype?
No? Well, that is exactly what happened when five organizations, over fifty participants, some wicked problems and a few service designers were brought together during the Week Of Wicked Problems.
Each participating organization brought their own wicked problem to the camp. In return, they were given a team of volunteers ranging from university professors to students and a expert service designer to help guide the team.
The problems that the organizations brought to the camp ranged from measuring a patients hospital experience to services for teenagers to the future of a city and its inhabitants.
Over four days each team used various service design methods and tools to tackle problems that have no easy solutions. From brief to customer insight to service concept to prototype each team tackled their given problem in their own way, but with one common theme: how can we better serve our customers.
The participants were not allowed to just ponder the problems, as it was the camp facilitators’ job to make sure that no team leaves without delivering a prototype and presentation (no slides allowed) of their new service concept.
All in all, WoWP was a week of hard work with lots of learning and laughter.
Personal comments
Still amazed by what people can do when they are really involved in solving seemingly unsolvable problems. The results were just amazing considering we just had a few days to go from brief to prototype. My job was actually easy: just help the team find the right methods and push them along when they felt stuck.
Hannu worked on this project in collaboration with Kolmas Persoona.
Reetta Keränen, Tanja Verho, Anna Kulonen, Satu Miettinen, Pasi-Heikki Rannisto, Terhi Vilkman, Jarmo Tuominiemi, Riina Pulkkinen
Tampereen yliopiston Palveluinnovaatiokeskus, Uusi Tehdas, Innokylä, Kuntaliitto, Tampereen kaupunki, Pirkaanmaan liitto, Pirkanmaan sairaanhoitopiiri, Nuorten akatemia, Nuora, Kolmas Persoona